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Tuesday 14 April 2015

Grammar : The Units of English

What is called a UNIT? 

A Unit is a basic part. There are 5 units many of which bring out the whole.

Units make a word or a sentence complete.

How many Units are there in English?

There are FIVE UNITS.

1.Letters : The Units of English

In English, there are 26 letters.

They are otherwise called Alphabets.

The Alphabets can be written both in Capital Letters and in Small Letters.

Capital Letters are : 

 A, B, C, D, E, F,

 G, H, I, J, K, L,

 M, N, O, P, Q, R,

 S, T, U, V, W, X,

 Y and Z.

 Small Letters are : 

 a, b, c, d, e, f,

 g, h, i, j, k, l,

 m, n, o, p, q, r,

 s, t, u, v, w, x,

 y and z.

2.Words in English:

Words may be of individual letter or a group of letters.

 A word should give a meaning.

 Then only it will be treated as a word.

 Write, speech, My, You, come, go, learn, type, computer, teach, January, India, America, China, God, etc., are words.

 These words give complete meanings. These are correct words.

 Here are many more words and how the words are used in the sentences.

 A : A boy is playing.

 I : I am going to temple.

 We : We are friends.

 He : He is our friend.

 God : God is omnipotent.

 Many : Many people attended the party.

 Lorry : Lorry is used to carry goods.

 Letter : I have posted all the letters.

 Achieve : Achieve something in your life.

 Reporter : The reporter has submitted his report.

 Technology : Technology has improved.

 Signature : Your signature is not clear.

 Fertilizer : Use organic fertilizer for better farming.

 Composition : Submit your composition note book today.

 Father-in-Law : Her father-in-law is a gentle man.

 Enthusiastic : We need enthusiastic workers.

 Independence : India got independence on 15th August 1947.

 International : The two international leaders discussed the border issue.

 Multi-coloured : This book has multi-coloured wrapper.

 Communication : Aim at clear communication.

 Pronunciation : Pronunciation is important in a language study.


A phrase is a group of words.

It must have some meaning.

It should not contain a finite verb.

If it contains a finite verb, it will be a sentence or clause.

There is not phrase with a finite verb.

Phrases begin with preposition.

Examples of Phrases : 

1.He wishes to learn Music. 

2.She wants to study further. 

3.The stone fell on the ground. 

4.This practice existed in ancient times.

5.The girl with blue eyes is Mary.

6.I like reading books.

7.We may come to Delhi by train. 

8.They have arranged for boarding. 

9.You are most welcome to this palace. 

10.He went to a doctor. 

(The boldened parts are the phrases)

There are three kinds of Phrases, namely.

a.)Noun Phrases:

Let us see what Noun Phrases are.

The Noun Phrase is a group for words which functions as a noun.

It does the work of a noun.

Examples :

1.He wishes to learn Hindi. 

2.Boys enjoy playing cricket. 

3.I like reading comics Books.

4.She pretends to be honest. 

5.What she does is what I like.

6.She is what she reads.

7.Coming to New York is not my priority.

8.Completing my MBA is my first priority.

9.Smoking in this hospital is prohibited.

10.To invite him is to this function is to invite trouble.

 (The boldened parts are the Noun Phrases)

b.)Adjectival Phrases

The adjectival phrases function as adjectives.

It does the work of an adjective.

It qualifies the noun or the pronoun.

Examples :

1.The girl with blue eyes is my sister.

2.He is a soldier of great abilities.

3.A stitch in time saves nine.

4.I saw a bird of a rare species.

5.A girl of high level of intelligence is what is needed for this company.

6.Do not forget to invite him who invited us all to his wedding.

7.This is the school with all the infrastructures and all the modern facilities.

8.An apple a day saves your life for a long time to come.

9.The teacher with wide acceptance and admiration among the students is Mr. Ram.

10.We have to meet Mr. Raja who has joined our company today morning.

(The boldened parts are the Adjectival Phrases)

c.)Adverbial Phrases:

The adverbial phrases function as adverbs.

It is a modifier.

It modifies verb or an adjective or another adverb.

Examples :

1.The Sun rises in the east.

2.He walks not along with us.

3.Man set foot on the moon.

4.The carpenter hit the nail with a hammer.

5.The woman who lives next door is a doctor.

6.We must finish our project before the holidays.

7.Jodie buys two CDs every month.

8.Jack bought the flowers for his mother.

9.I'm saving my money to buy a car.

10.The students all showed up to support the team.

11.Sally brought a painting home from school to show to her mother.

12.The stone fell on the ground.

13.This practice existed in ancient times.

(The boldened parts are the adverbial phrases)


A clause is a group of words that forms part of a sentence with a subject and a predicate of its own.

Examples :

  • He went to the doctor.
  • We have to take a decision by today.
  • You are welcome to our college.
  • Please, pay attention to what he says.
  • She has taken permission.
  • The dog that bites does not bark.
  • He replied that he would come.
  • As he was ill, he did not come to school.
  • He fled where his pursuers could not follow.
  • He is the tallest student in this whole college.

There are Two Types of Clause. They are :

a.)The Main Clause:

The Main Clause gives the direct meaning with a finite verb.

Examples : 
  •  He went to the doctor. 
  •  She is my best friend. 
  •  The President will dedicate this factory to the nation day after tomorrow. 
  •  I will teach you English online using SKYPE. 
  •  This film is most interesting and most popular. 
  •  He is the person responsible for this accident. 
  •  My wife is a writer. 
  •  You have to take delivery of this parcel in the railway station. 
  •  Be here by 7pm tomorrow. 

Our Professors did not permit me to complete the seminar.

b.)The Subordinate Clause:

The Subordinate Clause will not give a complete meaning. 

This will only support the meaning of the main clause. 
Or some times, this will depend upon the main clause for getting a meaning. 
The subordinate clause will be a part of the main clause. 
Though Subordinate Clause had finite verb, we can not get complete meaning from it. It depends on the main clause for its complete meaning. 

Examples :

As he was ill, he did not come to college yesterday. 
Since she attends the function, she has to go fast. 
Why we did not come to the school is not a matter now. 
The dog that bites does not bark. 
He fled where his pursuers could not follow. 
I am the monarch of all I survey. 
He is the son of whom I met yesterday. 
He replied that we had to pay him by that day. 
We expected that he would abide by our words. 
It is true that he has scored centum in Math. 
(The boldened part of these sentences are Subordinate Clauses)

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